Books by Michael Ruse (1940–2024)
- Michael Ruse (1973) The philosophy of biology Hutchinson & Co. paperback. 231 pages.
- Michael Ruse (1979) Sociobiology: Sense of Nonsense? Reidel Publishing Company. paperback 231 pages
- Michael Ruse (1989) The Darwinian Paradigm. essays on its History, Philosophy and Religious Implications Routledge - Taylor & Francis
- Michael Ruse (1999) Biology and The Foundation of Ethics. Cambridge University Press,
- Michael Ruse (1999) The Darwinian Revolution: Science Red in Tooth and Claw. 2nd Edition. University of Chicago Press.
See also: Michael Ruse (2009) The Darwinian revolution: Rethinking its meaning and significance, PNAS June 16, 2009 (free access)
- Michael Ruse (1999) Mystery of Mysteries: Is Evolution a Social Construction? Harvard University Press.
- Michael Ruse The Evolution Wars: A Guide to the debates. A B C-CLIO. June 2000.
Chapter 9 "Challenges to orthodoxy: Alternatives to Darwinism" is an anti-Gould chapter (punctuated equilibria).
- Michael Ruse Darwin & God. Dr.J.Tans lecture, Studium Generale, Maastricht, November 2000.
- Michael Ruse Can a Darwinian Be a Christian? The Relationship between Science and Religion. Cambridge University Press. 2001
- My first impression is that this book is better than I expected, better than for example Mystery of Mysteries. It is not academic, but about questioins that matter a lot for many people. There is an approving review of this book by Charles Harper in Nature 411, 239-240 (2001).
- Michael Ruse (2003) Darwin and Design: Does evolution have a purpose? Harvard University Press, 2003.
- A positive review by Mark Ridley in Nature, 2003, 423, 686-687. "There is no central argument to unify the book, but Ruse holds a consistently Darwinian position against all its critics. Adapation exists, it matters, it is not explained by God; it is explained, and with exemplary scientific propriety, by natural selection, and is a legitimate topic for scientific research." See also here.
- Michael Ruse (2004) Debating Design: From Darwin to DNA.', by William A. Dembski (Editor), Michael Ruse (Editor), Cambridge University Press.
- Michael Ruse (2005) The Evolution-Creation Struggle. Harvard University Press.
- A history of the evolution-creation controversy with emphasis on elements leading up to this uniquely American controversy.
- Michael Ruse (Editor) (2008) "The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Biology", Oxford University Press, hb 656 pages.
- Michael Ruse (2008) Charles Darwin, Blackwell Great Minds, Volume 5. Review.
- Michael Ruse (2008) 'A Challenge Standing on Shaky Clay', Science 3 October 2008, Vol. 322. no. 5898, pp. 47 - 48.
- This is a review of: Steve Fuller (2008) 'Dissent over Descent. Intelligent Design's Challenge to Darwinism': "The important thing is that all of this is completely wrong and is backed by no sound scholarship whatsoever. ... It is ludicrous to claim that modern evolutionary biology is not integrated with molecular biology."
- Michael Ruse (2008) 'Evolution and Religion: A Dialogue', Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Also ebook.
- A fictional dialogue among characters with sharply contrasting positions
- Robert T. Pennock (Editor), Michael Ruse (Editor) (2008) 'But Is It Science? The Philosophical Question in the Creation/Evolution Controversy, Updated Edition Paperback.
- Michael Ruse and Joseph Travis (2009) Evolution. The First Four Billion Years, Harvard University Press, hardback 979 pp
- Michael Ruse (2009) Monad to Man: The Concept of Progress in Evolutionary Biology. Release Date: March 15, 2009
- Michael Ruse (2009) Defining Darwin: Essays on the History and Philosophy of Evolutionary Biology, Prometheus Books, Hardcover 271 pages. Review: NCSE
- Michael Ruse (2010) Science and Spirituality. Making Room for Faith in the Age of Science, Cambridge University Press, Hardcover: 264 pages. Info.
- Michael Ruse (2011) Alvin Plantinga and Intelligent Design, The Chronicle of Higher Education, December 14, 2011, 10:22 am
- Michael Ruse (2012) The Philosophy of Human Evolution, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Hardback, Paperback, eBook.
Michael Ruse's The Philosophy of Human Evolution covers a broad range of topics: evolutionary theory (Chapters 1-3), the concept of "progress" (Chapter 4), knowledge (Chapter 5), morality (Chapter 6), sex and race (Chapter 7), and evolutionary medicine (Chapter 8). Reviewed in Evolution 2013.
- Michael Ruse (2013) The Gaia Hypothesis: Science on a Pagan Planet, University of Chicago Press, 288 pages.
- See: youtube lecture about this book: The Gaia Hypothesis is bound to fail because it invokes final causes, ignores natural selection, and incorporates group thinking. Furthermore, cries of "crank science" or "pseudo science" become common when scientists are tense among themselves. And what was very much the case for evolutionary biology around 1980.
- Michael Ruse and Karl E. Peters (2015) Why I am an accommodationist and proud of it, Zygon, 10 MAY 2015.
- "In the case of modern science, four questions go unasked and hence unanswered: Why is there something rather than nothing? What is the foundation of morality? What is mind and its relationship to matter? What is the meaning of it all? You can remain a nonreligious skeptic on these questions, but it is open for the Christian to offer his or her answers, so long as they are not scientific answers. Here then is a way that science and religion can coexist."
- Michael Ruse (2015) Atheism. What Everyone Needs to Know. OUP.
- Michael Ruse (2016) Darwinism as Religion. What Literature Tells Us about Evolution. OUP.
- Argues that the theory of evolution given by Charles Darwin in the nineteenth century has always functioned as much as a secular form of religion as anything purely scientific
- Through the words of novelists and poets, Michael Ruse argues that Darwin took us from the secure world of Christian faith into a darker, less friendly world of chance and lack of meaning.
- Robert J. Richards, Michael Ruse (2016) Debating Darwin, The University of Chicago Press .
- Michael Ruse (2019) On Purpose. Princeton.
- An accessible history of the idea of purpose in Western thought, from ancient Greece to the present
See Princeton Scholarship Online with chapter abstracts.
- Jeffrey O'Connell, Michael Ruse (2021) Social Darwinism
- Michael Ruse (2022) Understanding Natural Selection, Cambridge University Press.
- Michael J. Reiss, Michael Ruse (2023) The New Biology. A Battle between Mechanism and Organicism, Harvard University Press.
My reviews of two other books of Ruse